Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Originality? Somone? Anyone?

Ok this is going to be pretty short but I just had to say something because it's really bugging me. Doing something because someone else is doing it is just plain stupid! On top of that, trying to justify yourself makes you look like an even bigger retard especially when you start doing it the same day as the other person started it. As much as you say it isn't copying, I hate to break it to you but it is. If you don't want it to look like that, wait a couple of days or weeks and then start doing it too. I understand if you think it's cool and you would like to try it but don't start it up the SAME DAY and expect people to believe you're an original thinker. I mean, it's not that hard to wait especially over something as trivial as what it is. And honestly, it may actually help that person to do it but copying them just because you want to be like them is stupid. If it's going to help you, more power to you! But if you're doing it just because everyone else is doing it then you need to grow up.

Seriously, why can't people just come up with their own ideas anymore?

I'll admit, I copy things from other people but I talk to them about it first and I make sure it's something I need to do or something that's going to benefit me in some way. I don't just do it because I want to look cool.

So please do us all a favor and grow the eff up. To put it simply: GET YOUR OWN LIFE AND STOP COPYING MINE!

Cousins suck.

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