Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The end.

Why can't people just keep their mouth shut? And why do people always turn words around?!

I'm so annoyed with trusting people and always getting fucked over. I am officially done with all this bullshit. I open up a little bit to someone and they go and turn my words around and publicize everything! What happened to trust?

Mine's gone. I trust no one.

You have no idea who you are but you hurt me more than anyone else has recently. I thought you were real. I thought you were someone I could trust. You said you were. You said you went through a whole bunch of stuff. But you're not. You're nothing to me now. Sure, I'll still hang with you. I'll still laugh with you. But never again will I trust you.

I should've just stuck to my instincts and not said anything. I should've stayed to myself. I should've just been the real me and not opened my mouth. Well, I've learned my lesson now and from now on, no one gets anything out of me. All this opening up bullshit is pointless. It just opens the door for humiliation, betrayal, and pain. And I'm done with all of that.

I'm done with thinking I have friends. I'm done with thinking that some people are good deep down inside because they're not. No one is good, myself included. Everyone should just stay to themself. But I'm not gonna tell people how to live.

I'm just gonna live my life the only way I know how - alone. I'm done with these tears and I'm done with this smile. From now on, I'll show the real emotion I'm feeling - numb. From now on, I'm going to stay numb. That way no one can get in and no one can hurt me. Never again will I trust anyone or shed a tear over anyone.

I'm done for good. The end.

1 comment:

vivalaria said...

alright, so idk who you're talking about, it could be me, i dont know, but im always here for you if you need me. im just a phone call or text message away. i love you a lot linds, and im sorry that someone like you has to be put through something they dont deserve